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10:00 - 11:00

"What was I even doing?" - Attention & Memory


The multiplication of screens and demands has fragmented our attention, which can have significant impacts on our memory. The constant switching between tasks and the overload of information, presented in the form of digital content, can harm our retention capacity and also the formation of solid memories. In this panel, we will discuss this phenomenon and ways to cultivate practices that promote mindfulness.


Foto do palestrante Nathalia Yunes

Nathalia Yunes | Palestrante

Consultant in behavioral neuroscience, providing project management and mentorship to cognitive and socio-emotional skills and well-being in companies and schools. Lecturer at ESPM, FACHA and IBMEC. Instructor of the Cultivating Emotional Balance program, Hearts and Minds Teacher, ONG Gaia+ and SEE Learning. Free courses on emotional education. As a researcher and director at Forebrain for 8 years, I have worked on neuromarketing projects for major brands. Post-doctorate degree, University of Lyon, France, PhD and Master's degree in Biological Chemistry and Biomedical, UFRJ. Postgraduate in Emotional Management in Organizations - Cultivating Emotional Balance, Instituto Einstein de Ensino e Pesquisa.

Foto do palestrante Luisa Sabino

Luisa Sabino | Moderador

Psychologist graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Postgraduate in Hospital Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology and School Guidance. She is currently a master's student, psychologist and researcher at the Delete Laboratory - Digital Detox and Conscious Use of Tecnologi@s, which is part of the postgraduate program in Mental Health at the Institute of Psychiatry at UFRJ (IPUB). Co-author of the books “New Humans 2030: What will humanity be like in 2030 living with digital technologies?” (2019) and “Beware of nomophobia! Wonders and losses in interactivity with the digital world” (2023).

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