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15:00 - 15:45

Humor as an Engagement Strategy To Boost Music and Art

StoryVillage Música Mídia e Entretenimento Arte e Cultura Criatividade

We will explore how artists and musicians use comedic elements to engage audiences, creating emotional connections and promoting the dissemination of their work. We will bring examples of artists who incorporate humor in their lyrics, performances or visual works, discussing the impact of this approach on the popularity and acceptance of their works. Furthermore, we will address the relationship between humor, social criticism and creativity, showing how fun can be a powerful tool to challenge conventions and expand the reach of art and music.


Foto do palestrante Zé Raphael Ramos

Zé Raphael | Moderador

Zé Raphael is a journalist with over 20 years of experience and founding partner of Estar Comunicação, a press agency known for its 360° approach to the entertainment and music market. Under his leadership, the company was a pioneer in adopting a complete communication vision. Its strategies are 100% online reach and engagement in the press and social networks, but also integrated with offline strategies, such as the presence of advisors at national events. This company approach, for example, opened new horizons for urban music, especially funk and rap, by inserting them into vehicles with national credibility, in addition to the usual niches.

Foto do palestrante Diogo Defante

Diogo Defante | Palestrante

Diogo Defante, 33 years old, was born and raised in Realengo, Rio de Janeiro, with a penchant for art from a young age. He was the drummer for the band Let’s Go for 7 years before dedicating himself to comedy. In 2016, he created the character "Repórter Doidão" and gained popularity on the internet with his nonsense style. Due to his success, Diogo became a correspondent for CazéTV at the 2022 World Cup and is currently employed by the Podpah studio, where he hosts his show "Rango Brabo". In 2023, he returned to music and released his EP "Robson", touring the country. Now, he is returning to CazéTV to cover the Eurocup and the Olympics, and will soon release his first album with 8 new tracks.

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