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15:30 - 16:30

Workshop Dwell Water, Activating a Biome-Body to Inhabit the Eath.

Biodom Awareness Futuro Sustentabilidade Tendências Consumo Comportamento

What world do we want to inhabit? Spaces are understood as part of the forces acting in the constitution of our own bodies: how, then, can we construct them so that they are allies in a process of reactivating life in the territories we inhabit? Habitar Água is a sensorial and bodily workshop designed to destabilize the automatic and functionalist relationship we have with water and then activate our memories and desires capable of reconnecting with it and with other forms of life on our planet. The aim is to attract the unique and present life in each person's experiences to incite a body-biome or a greater incarnated, poetic and careful attention to our own way of inhabiting this living organism of which we are part, the Earth.


Foto do palestrante Iazana Guizzo

Iazana Guizzo | Mentora

Iazana Guizzo is the coordinator of the extension, research and teaching project Floresta Cidade (Forest City) and a professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at UFRJ. She has a degree in architecture, urbanism and contemporary dance. She has a Master's degree in Psychology and a PhD in Urban Planning. She is the author of the book "Reactivating Territories: the body and affection in participatory design" and the participatory and affective design method Terceira Margem. @iazanaguizzo

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