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15:30 - 16:30

Childhood and Futures: What Lives in Children's Imagination?

Future.U Awareness Educação e Trabalho Futuro Diversidade e Inclusão Storytelling Comportamento Criatividade

"Those who control the fantasy, control the future." Monika Bielskyte This panel will examine the elements that currently shape children's imagination and how these representations influence the aspirations and perspectives of the new generations. How do culture, stories, characters, and technological advancements shape children's imaginary narratives, reflecting not only their individual desires but also broader social, cultural, and environmental aspects? In this context, what is the responsibility of the entire production chain in constructing and disseminating these narratives? How can we nurture this imagination to promote more inclusive, sustainable, and desirable futures for the next generations?


Foto do palestrante Cecilia Mendonca

Cecilia Mendonça | Palestrante

Cecilia Mendonça serves as VP and Head of Production, Kids and Family, TWDC Latin America, being responsible for leading the Disney branded and brand appropriate content development and production in the region. Cecilia led the production and development of numerous original productions in the region, such as the international franchises, Violetta and Soy Luna as well as Junior Express, Nivis, Amigos de otro mundo, O11CE, Bia, among others. Recently she led the development and production of Disney+ local original productions Entrelazados, Tudo Igual…SQN, Siempre fui yo, Papas por encargo, Tierra Incognita and O Coro: Sucesso Aqui Vou Eu and several more that will be premiering soon.

Foto do palestrante Marcio Oricolli

Márcio Oricolli | Moderador

Enthusiastic about the richness of life, works to ensure that the human connection with the digital is made in a conscious way. An expert in EdTech, Business Pedagogy and Corporate Education. As an entrepreneur, founded Recanto after an experience with the Danish Education and is deeply inspired by children and future generations.

Foto do palestrante Gabriella Mancini

Gabriella Mancini | Palestrante

Roteirista, consultora e professora especializada no público infantojuvenil/toda a família, atuando há 15 anos no mercado. Formada em roteiro pela escola de cinema e TV de Cuba (EICTV), por mais de cinco anos foi coordenadora de roteiros da Conspirac¸a~o Filmes, desenvolvendo projetos de animação e live action para adultos e crianças. Escreveu para séries como "Gigablaster"(Gloob), "Planeta Palavra" (Discovery+), "Babydino"(Nick Jr.) e "Ico Bit Zip"(Nat Geo Kids). Foi repórter da Folhinha/Folha de S.Paulo por mais de 3 anos. É autora dos livros "Na Rua da Aquarela" (ed. Giraffinha), e "O Pássaro Azul" (ed. Estrela Cultural). Para saber mais sobre seu trabalho, acesse:

Foto do palestrante Rodrigo França

Rodrigo França | Palestrante

He is part of the 100 most influential black personalities in Lusofonia – POWERLIST BANTUMEN - 2021 He began his acting career in theater and cinema in 1992. He has worked on 48 shows as an actor and 12 as a director. He wrote and directed 15 theatrical shows, including: The Little Black Prince, Capiroto, For My White Friend, Angu and Hidden Enemy. In cinema, he directed the feature film “Barba, hair & mustache”, reaching the Top 4 Global – Netiflix, and also directed the special and series “Hurmor Negro” on GloboPlay. He is the first black streaming director in Brazil, with original content. He wrote the best sellers The Little Black Prince, Pretagonism, The Boy and His Tree.

Foto do palestrante Lua Oliveira

Lua Oliveira | Palestrante

Lua Oliveira was 12 years old when she attended the Book Biennial for the first time in 2019. She noticed that many of the children who went to the Biennial didn't buy books, and this upset her a lot. So, she took the initiative to set up a social project in her community, Trabalhadores de Cabritos, in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. Since then, Lua has been involved in various projects, both in her community and in other communities across Brazil. Today, she helps new social projects to be set up and started, having contributed to the creation of more than 115 reading rooms throughout the country. Lua has traveled to several states, spreading literature, reading, culture, and education.

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