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14:00 - 15:00

Deciphering Thoughts


Professor Eilon Vaadia, professor emeritus of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, revolutionizes our understanding of decoding human thoughts. His investigations explore the neural patterns that reflect mental processes, allowing a more accurate reading of brain activity. By deciphering neural signals, Professor Vaadia offers unprecedented insights into how the brain processes information and generates thoughts.


Foto do palestrante Eilon Vaadia

Eilon Vaadia | Keynote

Prof. Vaadia (Former Director and Founder of ELSC - The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, 2009-2016) combines theory and experiments to study brain sensorimotor functions. The team at the lab uses brain-machine interfaces (BMI) electrical activity of neurons in brain circuits. In simple words, BMIs can read to modulate and decipher the "brain’s intention” from its activity, and further; BMI can be used to detect in real-time electrical patterns involved in a brain disease and readjust these patterns to ameliorate the disease.

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