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12:15 - 13:00

Urban Connections: Skate, Culture and Social Media and the Formation of Communities

StoryVillage Inovação Futuro Esportes Arte e Cultura Impacto Social Criatividade

Este painel vai explorar a interseção entre o Skate, a cultura urbana e formação de comunidades, destacando como a prática esportiva molda identidades e laços sociais nas cidades. Um bate-papo de Davison Fortunato com outros grandes nomes do Skate brasileiro e internacional como Bob Burnquist, Fernando Araujo e Daniela Vitoria, sobre como o Skate transcende o esporte para se tornar uma expressão cultural e um catalisador de conexões comunitárias.


Foto do palestrante Davison Fortunato

Davison Fortunato | Palestrante

In addition to practicing Skate Davison, he organizes and manages skate events, including competitions, demonstrations, workshops and community meetings. He develops everything from logistics, programming, promotion and execution of events to promote skateboarding and build social connections. He works with youth and communities to promote personal, social and physical development through skateboarding. In addition to implementing educational, empowerment and social skills programs using skateboarding as an engagement tool. Helping skateboarding-related brands, companies or organizations develop effective marketing strategies to reach their target audience.

Foto do palestrante Bob Burnquist

Bob Burnquist | Palestrante

Skateboarder overall, rides on any terrain, began his international projection in 1995 winning a vertical world championship in Canada, where he impressed the foreigners with switchstance maneuvers (opposite stance). Since then, he has brought a lot of technical evolution to skateboarding, with historical video parts, the construction of Dreamland, and unimaginable tricks on the MegaRamp, as well as epic feats such as doing a rail trick on a cliff in the Grand Canyon. He holds the record for being the most decorated athlete in X GAMES history with 30 medals. Currently, he runs the ISC Skate Care Institute, with the goal of inspiring, educating, and transforming the lives of young skateboarders.

Foto do palestrante Fernando Araujo

Fernando Araujo | Palestrante

My nickname is Skatista Cego. I'm 30 years old and I've been skateboarding for 7 years. I compete in tournaments like STU in the para-skate category. Besides my work as an athlete, I create digital content and engage in motivational work by sharing my life story and experience as a para-athlete in skateboarding. In this way, I aim to inspire others by demonstrating that despite the disability, everything is possible.

Foto do palestrante Daniela Vitória

Daniela Vitória | Palestrante

My name is Daniela Vitória, better known as Danizinha. I'm 14 years old, from Manaus, and I'm part of the Brazilian Junior Skateboarding Team ????. Currently with 7 years of skateboarding experience.

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