Urca Filmes
Acting in the audiovisual market since 2002, Urca Filmes aims to strengthen Brazil's cultural identity, through a rigorous selection of productions that seek to combines narrative and aesthetic virtues, communication potential, production value and reflections on Brazil. With this strategy, Urca has released films in major movie theaters and festivals around the world, including: “Mamute Siberiano”(Locarno), “Engenho de Zé Lins” (Toulouse), “O Diário de Sintra” (Tribeca), “Desafinados” (Guadalajara), and Amazonia Groove (SXSW). For 2019, the following films are in production: the documentary " PRK-30", the biographycal musical, "Nosso Sonho" and the television series "Belchior".