Victor Brum

Cultural Producer, Ruído Roxo

Ruído Roxo




Writers Room

Artist, music producer and cultural producer, lives in the north of SP in Jaçanã, is co-founder of the production company Ruído Roxo, together with Richard Jeoshuah. He is also MC and co-founder of the rap group Templo Negro, audiovisual producer in the group (Mulungú Cultural). Graduated in Electronic Music Production from Anhembi Morumbi (ProUni 2017-18), he was from Coletivo Estética Urbana between (2017-2021), Jovem Monitor Cultural at Casarão da Vila Guilherme (2019-2021), Parliamentary advisor at ALESP/SP on Bancada Ativista in 2022 and Artist Educator in the PIÁ Program (2023) and Território Hip-Hop Program (2023), territorial curator of Mês do Hip-Hop (2024)