Luciana Fonseca

Director, Instituto Cidades Responsivas


08/06/2024 05/06/2024

Educação e Trabalho Inovação

Arts&Crafts Arts&Crafts

Founding partner and Director of the Responsive Cities Institute and Escola Livre de Arquitetura - Ela. PhD in Urban and Regional Planning by PROPUR - UFRGS (2017) and master (2007) by the same program. Chapter leader of urban planning at the OSPA Group. Coordinator of the Responsive Cities MBA. Has technical experience in development of urban plans and guidelines, architectural projects and strategic and landscape urbanism. Develops academic exchanges with design emphasis on other urban realities with schools of architecture and urbanism in Brazil and Latin America. Has exhibitions related to urban artistic manifestations and contemporary art. Above all things, she is Antônia’s mother!