Luciana Leão

Operation Director at Liga Ventures

Liga Ventures


06/06/2024 06/06/2024 06/06/2024

Mídia e Entretenimento Música Audiovisual

Creator Square Stage Creator Square Stage Creator Square Stage

Luciana is Operations Director at Liga Ventures. For 10 years has been dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship, innovation and startup-corporate engagement in different territories. She holds a degree in Business Administration from Universidade Federal Fluminense, an MBA in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and a Master in Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology from the University of Waterloo - Canada. She was directly involved in renowned initiatives in the innovation ecosystem, nationally and internationally, which includes: acceleration manager at BNDES Garagem, manager of the Mindsets for Growth program (MaRS - Canada) and Mentor of Women in Tech Program (Communitech - Canada).