Fernanda Kaingáng

Director, Museu Nacional dos Povos Indígenas



Diversidade e Inclusão


Lucia Fernanda Inácio Belfort Sales, known as Fernanda Kaingáng, belongs to the Kaingáng indigenous people of southern Brazil. Her name in Kaingáng is Jófej and means the flower of a medicinal herb. Fernanda Kaingáng is an art educator at Ponto de Cultura Kanhgág Jãre – Raiz Kaingáng, the first Ponto de Cultura Indigenous in Brazil, she was the first indigenous lawyer graduated in the southern region of Brazil from Unijuí and the first master in Law in Brazil from UnB. She is an environmentalist, defender of human rights for indigenous peoples for 24 years and has a PhD at the Faculty of Archeology at Leiden University. She is currently the Director of the National Museum of Indigenous Peoples