Dimas Novais da Silva

Screenwriter and Content Researcher, Globo



Diversidade e Inclusão


Screenwriter and researcher from Bahia, Dimas started his career as a Journalist (Facom/UFBA). English and PR exchanges (Dublin, Ireland) and photojournalism internship (Barcelona, Spain). Digital marketing consultancy (Guangzhou, China). Incursion into audiovisual through Globo with an executive and artistic journey. Following some highlights. Evaluation of fiction and non-fiction projects. Formats and trend mapping. Creation of Grupo Globo's black awareness month campaigns in 2021 and 2022. Creation, curation and script for the Festival Negritudes Globo, since 2022. Script for the 2024 Sim À Igualdade Racial Awards/TV Show. Research in the unreleased series Os Outros (2T and 3T) and Mata-Mata.