
A day for exchanges and thoughts on the future of communication, technology and innovation in sport and much more.

Summit Forbes Brands&Co

Where content and brands meet.

Forbes Brands&Co brings together the main marketing, advertising and content creation leaders in a summit resulting from the partnership between Forbes and Rio2C. Far beyond discussions about business, technology and innovation in their most varied formats, Forbes Brands&Co also addresses the behavioral and human aspects present in the consumer journey.

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Summit COB Sports Innovation

An immersion in the future of sport.

After the success of 2023, the Summit COB Sports Innovation brings in its second edition some of the biggest names in the sports industry, including executives, athletes, coaches and entrepreneurs to discuss the most relevant topics of the moment.

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Summit Play9 Creator Economy

Influencers, Content and Technology: the Creator Economy Triad

Inspired by the geometric structure of the Triangle, where three points connect to form a solid figure, the Creator Economy Triad establishes an interdependent relationship between digital creators, their content and the technological tools that drive them.

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Summit Meta Loves Music

Meta and Rio2c have come together to empower the music industry, optimize presence on digital platforms and connect with audiences in innovative ways.

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Summit BITs

The Summit Broadcast Innovation & Tech Show is an exclusive space for experimentation and bringing together content creators and producers with the latest technologies in the audiovisual sector – understanding these technologies as tools for building and optimizing narratives.

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