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15:30 - 16:30

Self-awareness: The Compass to Navigate, Not Flounder, in the Digital Age

Future.U Futuro Saúde e bem-estar Consumo Comportamento Impacto Social Educação e Trabalho

With a dynamic methodology that proves 'serious' doesn't mean 'boring,' this activity engages and empowers participants to interact with technology in a more mindful and balanced manner through the practice of self-awareness. It teaches how to reduce the risks associated with excessive use of social media, smartphones, and screens, while exploring ways to maximize the benefits of these tools in both professional and personal life—to attain greater presence and productivity, improved quality of life, and enhanced creativity.


Foto do palestrante Marcio Oricolli

Márcio Oricolli | Palestrante

Enthusiastic about the richness of life, works to ensure that the human connection with the digital is made in a conscious way. An expert in EdTech, Business Pedagogy and Corporate Education. As an entrepreneur, founded Recanto after an experience with the Danish Education and is deeply inspired by children and future generations.

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