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10:00 - 11:00

It All Starts with a Good Conversation: Dialogues for Sustainability

Biodom Diversidade e Inclusão Sustentabilidade Comportamento Impacto Social

Cultivating an open and respectful environment is essential so that we can maintain the relevance of urgent and sensitive issues. In this panel, we will reflect on the importance of dialogue as an education tool, deconstruction of stereotypes, development of critical thinking and empathy. By facing challenges with courage, we can build a more inclusive society, where constructive debate prevails over fear, thus promoting a culture of continuous learning and social integration.


Foto do palestrante Fernanda Kaingáng

Fernanda Kaingáng | Palestrante

Lucia Fernanda Inácio Belfort Sales, known as Fernanda Kaingáng, belongs to the Kaingáng indigenous people of southern Brazil. Her name in Kaingáng is Jófej and means the flower of a medicinal herb. Fernanda Kaingáng is an art educator at Ponto de Cultura Kanhgág Jãre – Raiz Kaingáng, the first Ponto de Cultura Indigenous in Brazil, she was the first indigenous lawyer graduated in the southern region of Brazil from Unijuí and the first master in Law in Brazil from UnB. She is an environmentalist, defender of human rights for indigenous peoples for 24 years and has a PhD at the Faculty of Archeology at Leiden University. She is currently the Director of the National Museum of Indigenous Peoples

Foto do palestrante Danieli Balbi

Dani Balbi | Palestrante

Dani Balbi is a Professor of Cinema, a screenwriter, and the first transgender parliamentary in Rio de Janeiro, elected with over 65,000 votes. She was also the first transgender PhD and professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she specialized in Literary Science. Today, she is the chairwoman of the Labor, Social Legislation, and Social Security Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro.

Foto do palestrante Victor Del Vecchio

Victor Del Vecchio | Moderador

Lawyer with a master's degree in International Law from USP - University of São Paulo, he works as a consultant in human rights and environmental issues for the Third Sector, governments, and companies, and as a speaker and commentator on these topics and international politics for the country's leading newspapers and broadcasters. He has experience with the São Paulo Human Rights and Citizenship Secretary, UN Migration, and various NGOs. He works in socio-environmental impact project management and advocacy. He educates and shares behind-the-scenes insights of his work on his social media @victordelvecchio.

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