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11:30 - 12:30

SAMSUNG Ads presents Connecting Brands and Consumers: What is the Role of the Medium and the Importance of Knowing Your Audience? *Primetime

Screening Room Audiovisual Mídia e Entretenimento Sustentabilidade Tendências Branding Negócios Consumo Comportamento

The arduous journey of finding, connecting and engaging today's audiences involves a series of challenges that require today's professionals to have a deep understanding of their audiences, their consumption, where it happens and which media can be the most strategic for each brand or business need. Find out from market experts what their journeys have been in this quest and what they see as the perfect mix of media when it comes to connecting brands to audiences, especially streamers.


Foto do palestrante Essio Floridi

Essio Floridi | Palestrante

Essio Floridi is an executive with over 20 years of experience in the ad industry. He holds a degree in economics from USP, an MBA in Services Marketing from ESPM and Business Strategic Management from FGV. He started his career in Milan in 1998 and in 2000, back in Brazil, he worked as Digital Media Director for 2 years both at JWT and at Agência Click. He was also a Sales Manager at Yahoo! from 2004 to 2009 and a Digital Media Advertising Director at Globosat for 6 years. In 2016, he assumed the position of Country Manager at Tradelab, where he remained until 2020, when he joined Samsung Electronics assuming the position of Sales and Operations Latin America Director of Samsung Ads.

Foto do palestrante Camila Ribeiro

Camila Ribeiro | Palestrante

Foto do palestrante Romana Oliveira

Romana Oliveira | Palestrante

Foto do palestrante Victor Soffiatti

Victor Soffiatti | Palestrante

Victor Soffiatti is the Media and Data Director for the L'Oréal Group in Brazil, with over 20 years of experience in major multinationals. His impressive resume includes roles such as Head of Digital Media at Heineken Group and Head of Consumer Experience at AkzoNobel. Victor holds a degree in Marketing and Advertising, complemented by a postgraduate degree in Consumer Experience from ESPM and international specializations in PMP and Agile from the PMI in Paris.

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