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11:30 - 12:30

Firjan Macro Trends 2024-2025 *Primetime

Screening Room Audiovisual Mídia e Entretenimento Futuro Tendências Negócios Consumo Comportamento Publicidade e Marketing Criatividade

This talk will present the Macrotrends Report 2024-2025 developed by the Casa Firjan Trends Lab team. This report presents 3 macro-trend scenarios with the main issues that will impact society and companies in various sectors over the next two years. The document was created to support the development of strategic planning, anticipating risk factors and new business opportunities. The publication also presents vectors of change, challenges, opportunities and possibilities for action that will need to be at the center of leaders' and managers' attention for the two-year period 2024-2025.


Foto do palestrante Ana Carolina Fernandes

Carol Fernandes | Palestrante

Trend Lab Coordinator at Casa Firjan. PhD and Master in Anthropology from the Fluminense Federal University. Specialist in behavior and consumption research. She has experience in researching trends in institutions such as SENAI and SENAC. And worked in fashion companies and projects in the national and international market.

Foto do palestrante Nathalia Coelho de Oliveira

Nathalia Coelho de Oliveira | Palestrante

Trend Researcher at the Casa Firjan Trends Lab. Has a bachelor's degree in Design with a specialization in Fashion Design on Senai Cetiqt, a postgraduate degree in Marketing on ESPM and a Master's degree in Design on the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Professional experience in the areas of trend research, product development and acting as a consultant and facilitator in workshops and courses.

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