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17:00 - 18:00

Reskilling Revolution: Personalized Learning for Professionals and Organizations

Future.U Educação e Trabalho Futuro Tecnologia

At the 2024 World Economic Forum, Bill Gates highlighted Personalized Learning as one of the fascinating opportunities in current technological advancements. In this panel, two education and foresight experts will explore pathways within and outside organizations toward this promising horizon. Join us for an in-depth analysis of how this teaching revolution is shaping the future of work and how organizations and professionals can benefit from this transformation.


Foto do palestrante Gustavo Donato

Gustavo Donato | Palestrante

Associate Professor at Fundação Dom Cabral, Chairman of the Board of Instituto Brasil Digital and President of the Innovation, Technology and Data Intelligence Committee of the GLH Group Board. Enthusiastic about developing people, technologies and business strategy, with proficiency in strategic foresight, technology and innovation. Former Dean of FEI and member of committees and councils at IEL/CNI, MDIC, B20 and IOM3 in London. Engineer (FEI), with MBA (FGV), PhD in Engineering (POLI/USP), Counselor certificate from Dom Cabral and executive education at MIT and Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies. Led more than 80 RD&I and strategy projects from startups to large companies.

Foto do palestrante Raphael Donaire Albino

Rapha Albino | Palestrante

Since 2006, I have developed my business, strategy, program management, and digital products career. I have a Ph.D. and Master in Business and Management from FEA - USP, Brazil. By being agnostic, I have supported organizations such as Nubank, Youse, Magnetis, Vindi, and NuInvest (former Easynvest) to boost work visibility, control the portfolio of initiatives, make decisions using data, apply a prioritization model, advise leadership on how to create agile environments and optimize their way of working.

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