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15:30 - 16:30

Body Language


Have you stopped to listen to your body today? Our body often communicates telltale signs when we are not feeling well emotionally or when we are harming our health. Changes in appetite, altered sleep patterns and the manifestation of physical symptoms, such as headaches or gastrointestinal problems, can indicate emotional imbalances. Likewise, poor food choices can manifest themselves in symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain or digestive irregularities. A panel on how to carefully observe these signs.


Foto do palestrante Bia Rique

Bia Rique | Palestrante

Master's and PhD in Collective Health from the Institute of Social Medicine (IMS/UERJ), specialist in contemporary psychosomatics, head of the nutrition service at ward 38 of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro (SCM-RJ). Author of the books "Novos conceitos de alimentação saudável e Tabela de equivalências" and "Comer para Emagrecer - uma filosofia nutricional". Speaker at workshops in educational institutions, companies and various events.

Foto do palestrante Laura Pitangui

Laura Pitangui | Palestrante

Hoje minhas ferramentas de trabalho são : Constelaçâo Zulu •Retiro Urbano : Imersão ao Sagrado •Mentoria Yoni Egg •Mentoria Autocuidado •Mentoria Vaporização Uterina •Mesas Radiônicas •Personal Afro Yoga •Tarô intuitivo •Dia do Autocuidado Ancestral •Limpeza Energética em Ambientes

Foto do palestrante Beta Boechat

Beta Boechat | Moderadora

Beta Boechat is a content creator and enterpreneur. As trans fat woman, works on the empowerment of women and the LGBTQIAP+ communities throught self love, body positivity and diversity. She is founder of Movimento Corpo Livre, first brazilian company focused on spreading the body positive moviment. Beta is also part of the UN Global Compact Youth Comitee.

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