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16:00 - 18:00

Startups Pitching - Marketing and Entertainment

Creator Square Stage Mídia e Entretenimento Negócios Publicidade e Marketing

Eight startups present themselves to the panel of executives, angel investors, venture capitals and accelerators. Startups: Yapoli Clarice.AI Trakto Delivery das Favelas Agenzia Mkt Tety Putz Filmes Chippu


Foto do palestrante Luciana Leão

Luciana Leão | Júri do Pitching

Liga Ventures

Luciana is Operations Director at Liga Ventures. For 10 years has been dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship, innovation and startup-corporate engagement in different territories. She holds a degree in Business Administration from Universidade Federal Fluminense, an MBA in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and a Master in Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology from the University of Waterloo - Canada. She was directly involved in renowned initiatives in the innovation ecosystem, nationally and internationally, which includes: acceleration manager at BNDES Garagem, manager of the Mindsets for Growth program (MaRS - Canada) and Mentor of Women in Tech Program (Communitech - Canada).

Foto do palestrante Leonardo Filardi

Leonardo F Filardi | Júri do Pitching

iDG - Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão

As an Expert in Design Thinking from Stanford’s d.School and an Entrepreneurship graduate from Babson, I have over 20 years of experience in impactful social innovation projects. I was part of the team that established the Incubator at Universidade Veiga de Almeida, the Ibmec Entrepreneurship Center, and Startups Brasil Factory. Additionally, I coordinated the Shell Youth Initiative Program and Yunus Social Businesses. I led the implementation of 42 Rio and 42 Abu Dhabi, innovative programming schools that prepare young individuals for the job market. Currently, I am the Director of Education at iDG

Foto do palestrante Luiz Telles

Luiz Telles | Júri do Pitching


Visual artist, Storyteller, currently Storytelling Director and Chief Story Officer, leads the team that helps to define the stories to be told by the brands we have as clients, moving way beyond the social media channels. Leads NOW, a real time content unit, and co-founder of A-LAB, innovative content strategy, creative and production lab. Has been telling stories in the digital arena since 1996. Has a master’s degree on visual poetics and maintain artistic production as part of a group of artists called Atelie Fidalga.

Foto do palestrante Eliakim Silvestre

Kim | Júri do Pitching

Partner and Head of Performance at ACE Cortex - Consulting innovation formed by entrepreneurs - works in projects corporate innovation in companies such as Bayer, Vale, ArcelorMittal, Santander and Natura, helping them in their strategies and generating results. Production Engineer (PUC) with MBA in Analysis Data (USP), has had long entrepreneurial experience, as co-founder of startup easyQasa, invested by ACE Ventures in 2014 and sold in 2019 to an American group.

Foto do palestrante Claudia Schulz

Cláudia Schulz | Júri do Pitching

Cláudia Schulz is currently Director of Special Programs for Communities at Abstartups. She was a network and social mobilization coordinator at the Digital Office of the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (2013 to 2015) and was chief of staff at the Secretariat for Citizenship and Cultural Diversity of the Ministry of Culture and Coordinator of the Rede Cultura Viva Platform (2015 to 2016). She is co-founder of Fora do Eixo e Mídia NINJA (2009 to 2021) and was coordinator of the Propulsion Zone - NINJA Innovation Hub (2019 to 2021). He was a Digital Culture and Innovation agent at UNIJUÍ Space + Innovation (2021 to May 2022).

Foto do palestrante Claudio Dipolitto

Claudio Dipolitto | Júri do Pitching

InoveLab Ateliê da Inovação

Claudio Dipolitto has a PhD in Innovation Management from COPPE/UFRJ. Innovation Leader of the Sokrates.AI Platform of Intelligent Socratic Applications and Post-Doctoral Researcher, at with the LUDES laboratory at PESC/COPPE/UFRJ. Advisor on the SEBRAE Local Innovation Agents Program. Mentor of purpose-driven businesses which combine profitability and positive impact. He created Hope Canvas and WEkigai to design businesses aligned with the 17 SDGs and the Inner Development Goals (IDGs). He was a teacher and mentor at the Business Incubators at UFRJ and UFF. At FGV, he taught Innovation in the Creative Economy. He was a consultant on the Strategic Plan for the UFRJ Technology Park.

Foto do palestrante Alexandre Jacobs

Alexandre Batalha Chrockatt de Sa Jacobs | Júri do Pitching

Mentor com 11 anos de experiência em Mentoria. Executivo e Empreendedor nas áreas de tecnologia e educação. Conselheiro da ABMEN.

Foto do palestrante Jean Martinelli

Jean Martinelli | Júri do Pitching

Executive Manager of Open Innovation at Banco do Brasil and 23 years of experience in financial services. Responsible for BB's intrapreneurship initiatives, for the Corporate Venture Capital program and for Bank as a Platform business models.

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