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14:00 - 18:00

Pitch Training By ABMEN

Meetup Room - Creator Square Negócios

Exclusive session for 24 selected startups, where business mentoring will take place to guide and optimize their pitches, as well as a simulated presentation.


Foto do palestrante Ana Luiza Cassalta

Ana Luiza Cassalta | Mentora

Profissional com 25 anos de carreira, incluindo 16 anos na Globo, onde era Gerente de Planejamento Artístico. Fundadora da Consultoria & Mentoria Dona Da Minha Vida, especializada em Empreendedorismo Feminino e Projetos Culturais. É Diretora-Adjunta de Comunicação na ABMEN. Participa como Júri de Bancas de Avaliação em Programas de Aceleração de Startups, como Sebrae e InovAtiva. E como Mentora em Hackatons pelo Brasil. Escritora, Jornalista, Publicitária, tem MBA em Gestão, Desenvolvimento de Novos Negócios e Empreendedorismo. Teve projeto de Pesquisa & Preservação de Memória aprovado na Lei Paulo Gustavo RJ 2023.

Foto do palestrante Bruna Lombardo

Bruna Lima Lombardo | Mentora


Foto do palestrante Luiz Coelho

Luiz Coelho | Mentor

Specialist in innovation, strategic design and creative business modeling. I combine validation processes, agility and user experience to drive Digital and Cultural Transformation in large corporations, startups and projects that impact society. Experiences in innovation projects as a consultant and facilitator, as well as a professor of Agile Transformation, OKR, Design Thinking and Product Discovery at Grupo Voito, Metricas Boss, Hotmilk PUC PR, BBI of Chicago and Unisuam. Regional director of ABMEN (Brazilian Association of Mentors) and mentor in startup acceleration programs and social entrepreneurship.

Foto do palestrante Marcello Borio

Marcello Borio | Mentor

Social enterprises Mentor, Board Advisor, and Impact Investor. With over 30 years of experience as an executive and consultant in organizations, specializing in innovation, strategy, management, and corporate governance. Holding a Master's degree in Management Systems and currently pursuing a PhD in Sustainable Management Systems/UFF. Also working as a professor in the ESG Management MBA program at PUC-Rio and in the "Negócios de Impacto Socioambiental" extension course at PUC-RJ. Additionally, he is a consultant and mentor for Social enterprises in the incubator of ESDI/UERJ, holds the Sustainability Reporting Standards - GRI certification and is director of ABMEN.

Foto do palestrante Marcelo Vieira

Marcelo Vieira | Mentor

InnMentoring/PMBM Professional Certified Business Mentor. Business Mentor in AGIR/UFF, NexusLab/Parque Tecnológico de São José dos Campos, Garoa AgroTech, HITT (Hub de Inovação Tecnológica de Taubaté), Startup Portimão (Portugal), Anprotec, Sebrae, InovAtiva, Aliança Empreendedora, Enpathos and BBX.

Foto do palestrante Márcia Thimóteo

Márcia Thimóteo | Mentora

Engenheira, Empreendedora e Mentora de Negócios®?. Carreira executiva Ambev, B2W, Telemar, Oi e Nextel - Gestão, logística, supply chain, inovação e desenvolvimento de novos negócios. Atua como Mentora certificada, em programas do ecossistema de inovação nacional: InovAtiva, Aliança Empreendedora, EnergInn, Neo Ventures, InovaSP, desafios de inovação aberta do Centro de Operações do Rio, ImpactHub e hackathons HackIFF, Janelas para Amanha e HackingRio. Especialista em Marketing e Vendas, Gestão, Gerenciamento de projetos, Modelagem de Negócios e Pitch. Pós-graduada em Adm. Financeira e Auditoria e Economia Criativa, MBA Ibmec. Palestrante e escritora, co-fundadora da Rede Mulheres in Rio.

Foto do palestrante Robson Lessa

Robson Lessa | Mentor

Advertiser, Designer, Business Mentor ABMEN (InnMentoring), entrepreneur in the communications field since 1995, innovation agent for the Startup Rio Program, community leader and co-founder of the innovation, entrepreneurship and startups community ErreJota, community leader from Vale do Araribóia, representative regional office in the North and Northwest of Fluminense and current deputy director of communication and marketing at ABMEN – Brazilian Association of Business Mentors, Multiplier of NEC – Circular Economy Center and local leader of the Lider Sebrae Program. Business mentor at AGIR – UFF Innovation Agency, InovaSP, Sebrae Like a Boss, MentorUP Program and hackathon events in the ecosystem.

Foto do palestrante Rodrigo Otavio Cipoli Cajueiro

Rodrigo Cajueiro | Mentor

Deeply immersed in Brazil's innovation ecosystem, where I serve as a startup mentor and evaluator, professor, researcher, and speaker, I'm a passionate advocate for education's transformative power. I believe it's the driving force behind social and economic development. That's why, for the past 6 of my 19 years in educational and social project management, I've dedicated special attention to initiatives focused on entrepreneurial education and innovation. For me, these are the key to building a more resilient society prepared for today's challenges.

Foto do palestrante Sandro Bouth Guedes


Lawyer, founder of BGPI; Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - IFF; Business Mentor working in the programs: UFF Innovation Agency, InovAtiva and InovAtiva de Impacto, Inova SP, AceleraSe Ventures, Varejo Ventures, Sebrae Like a Boss; Evaluator of innovation projects in various programs such as: SEBRAE CATALISA, AGIR UFF, BRAFIP, UESC, InovAtiva Brasil and InovAtiva de Impacto; Legal Consultant at TEC Incubadora; Innovation Leadership certificate - HEBREW UNIVERSITY; Vice-President Brazilian Association of Business Mentors (ABMEN). Director of Economic Development for São Pedro da Aldeia; Director of Technology Innovation for ACIASPA/CDL.

Foto do palestrante Silvina Ana Ramal

Silvina Ramal | Mentora

Fundé la empresa ID Proyectos Educativos en 2001 en la incubadora tecnológica de la Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro. ID fue pionera en educación por internet y educación corporativa en Brasil, desarrollando proyectos para las principales empresas del país y algunos proyectos en el extranjero. Logré ingresos de siete dígitos en cuatro años. Soy Máster en Administración por la PUC-Rio, y he enseñado emprendimiento tanto en la PUC-Rio como en la Fundación Getúlio Vargas. Tengo varios libros sobre emprendimiento, los más recientes publicados por la editorial Alta Books. En la actualidad, soy miembro del Consejo de ABMEN y de consejos de startups.

Foto do palestrante Tahise Pessoa de Oliveira Soares

Tahise Pessoa | Mentora

Advisor for Start Ups certified by Board Academy/ Ambassador and Mentor Women in E-commerce/ Member of the Global Professional Networks GLG and Wivenn/ Associate Member of ABMEN/ Business Administrator with a Postgraduate Degree in Marketing from IBMEC RJ/ Executive MBA from COPPEAD UFRJ and international module at the University of San Diego, California/ International Executive Education Courses in Leadership from Wharton Business School, in Digital Marketing from Columbia Business School and Immersion in Silicon Valley by StartSE/ C-level executive with over 15 years of experience in retail and industry (C&A, B2W and L’Oreal)/ Passionate about E-commerce and developing exponential businesses

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