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14:00 - 15:00

The Future of the Cultural Ecosystem: Creative Industries as a Strategic Economic Asset

StoryVillage Inovação Sustentabilidade Empreendedorismo e Liderança Tecnologia Negócios Criatividade

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the creative industries have established themselves as one of the most promising sources of wealth generation and human development, occupying a central role on the intellectual, economic, social and political agenda throughout the world, as a result of their extraordinary capacity to generate wealth, involving various sectors and being an economy articulated with other economies. In Brazil, the creative industries contribute 3.11% of GDP, ahead of the automotive industry (2.50%), employ around 7.5 million people (7% of the total) and have 130,000 companies in the country (3.25% of the total). In this panel, we will talk about the importance of these industries as catalysts for economic development, innovation and social inclusion; about strategies to strengthen these sectors; about the role of public policies in creating a fertile environment for growth, and about how collaboration between different sectors can boost economic and cultural resul


Foto do palestrante Marilia Marton

Marília Marton | Palestrante

Graduated in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, with a Master's degree in Smart and Sustainable Cities from Universidade Nove de Julho. She served as Government Secretary of the City of São Caetano do Sul, was Chief of Staff at the Secretariats of Education and Culture of the State of São Paulo and worked at the City of São Paulo. She currently holds the position of Secretary of Culture, Economy and Creative Industry of the State of São Paulo and is an enthusiast of innovation programs, public management and cultural promotion.

Foto do palestrante Leonardo Edde

Leonardo Edde | Palestrante

Leonardo Edde is a producer and director with over 25 years of experience. Founding partner of Urca Filmes, he is president of the SICAV, member of the PGA and representative of Brazil at FIPCA. Its highlights include "Our Dream - The story of Claudinho e Buchecha", "Tropa de Elite 2", "Loucas para Casar", in addition to other successful productions to come such as "Tom Jobim - O TOM" and "Authentic Games". His influence on the audiovisual scene is remarkable and his legacy in the industry is internationally recognized.

Foto do palestrante Danielle Barros

Danielle Barros | Palestrante

A career education official in Rio de Janeiro, Danielle Barros is a teacher, storyteller, activist and cultural manager. Her public career began in education, in the classrooms of the municipal school system. As Secretary of Culture for the State of Rio, she has promoted a revolution in culture. After 22 years, she has regulated the State Culture Fund, and changed the policy for cultural projects financed with funds from the Culture Incentive Law, guaranteeing cultural actions in the 92 municipalities. She holds a master's degree in Rural Education from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and has worked throughout the state of Rio as a Federal Delegate for Agrarian Development.

Foto do palestrante Marcelo Calero

Marcelo Calero | Palestrante

Marcelo Calero is a lawyer, a career diplomat, has a master’s degree and an ongoing PhD in Political Science at Iesp/Uerj. In the 2018 elections, he was elected federal deputy for the State of Rio, with over 50,000 votes. Transferred to the City of Rio (2013), Calero was assistant coordinator of Foreign Affairs, president of the Rio450 Committee, and Secretary of Culture. In 2016, he was Minister of State for Culture (May-Nov), when he resigned after denouncing pressure to review a technical report unfavorable to the personal interests of a high-level Brazilian official. He will occupy the role of Secretary of Government and Public Integrity of the City of Rio (2021-2022), when he resumed his mandate.

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