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14:00 - 15:00

Exclusive Industry - Masterclass "Clearance, Music Supervision and the Public Performance Rights of Original Soundtracks"

One-to-Many Meetings Audiovisual Música Mídia e Entretenimento Tendências Storytelling Negócios Arte e Cultura

Clearing music rights is crucial in producing audiovisual works. It involves obtaining permissions for music use in films, series, commercials, and other projects. This masterclass explores the challenges, strategies, and best practices of music rights clearance. It emphasizes the importance of legal compliance and avoiding copyright issues. The discussion will cover licensing, negotiation with rights holders, legal issues, and practical considerations for audiovisual producers.


Foto do palestrante Diogo Rocha

Diogo Rocha | Palestrante

Business Administrator, Bachelor of Law and Director of the Audiovisual Music Department at Abramus. He has 16 years of professional experience in collective copyright management. Over the years, he has worked in different departments, always related to improving the rules and guidelines adopted by collective management and optimizing Artists' income, in all its sources, such as; Radios, Shows, TVs, webcasts, environmental sound, among others. Currently dedicated exclusively to musical audiovisual rights, aiming to operate on open TV, pay TV, Cinema and video streaming.

Foto do palestrante Jose Celso Guida

Jose Celso Guida | Palestrante


Audio engineer, music producer, A&R and special marketing director of multinationals companies such as EMI Music, Virgin Records, PolyGram, Reader’s Digest, Warner Music and Universal Music. Music consultant for new business, licencing deals and repertoire for Telefónica Servicios de Música-Spain, from 2008 to 2011. Music producer of albums for the artists such as Guilherme Arantes, Moraes Moreira, Grupo 14 Bis, Beto Guedes among others. Founder of CulturaXchange, a new music company specialized in licensing deals and music supervision for Advertising, TVs, Films and Documentaries. Music bachelor and marketing degree graduated by PUC Rio de Janeiro.

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