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11:30 - 12:30

Creative, Popular and Sustainable! Maricá invites Conceição Evaristo, Helena Theodoro and ADJunior

Arts&Crafts Awareness Sustentabilidade Diversidade e Inclusão Creator Economy Arte e Cultura Arquitetura e Urbanismo Impacto Social

Cities are latent centers of confluence of people who organize themselves around economic, social and cultural processes, and generate enormous challenges in terms of infrastructure and services capable of meeting the needs of their inhabitants. Building a proposal for a human, intelligent, creative and sustainable city means reviewing the territory's genealogies, establishing guidelines, going through diagnoses, with a view to ensuring that the set of ideas fulfills the ultimate goal: being useful to society. In this panel, we will discuss how Maricá, a reference as a hub for creativity and sustainability, is aligned with the UN's 2030/ODS agenda, working in a network and synergy with the various actors and sectors of society, to benefit its population and make a lasting contribution to the development of a creative, humane, intelligent and sustainable city.


Foto do palestrante Ad Junior

Ad Junior | Moderador

Director of Brad Studios, a technology hub focused on creating content for Streaming and Connected TV platforms. Businessman, consultant, communicator and presenter, Ad is currently an important reference in the fight for inclusion in the communication segment. Considered Game Changers of the entertainment industry in 2022 by Meio Mensagem. Today he is one of the 10 executives nominated by Forbes Brazil to follow on social media and who have generated impactful work through cable TV projects and consultancies for advertising and brand repositioning. In 2021, she was recognized as one of the 100 most influential people of African descent in the world by MIPAD, a body recognized by the UN

Foto do palestrante Helena Theodoro

Helena Theodoro | Palestrante

Helena Theodoro é escritora,Filósofa, recebeu Medalha Tiradentes (2024) e Medalha Chiquinha Gonzaga (2024), professora visitante do IFCS/ UFRJ e Presidente do conselho deliberativo do Fundo Elas. Autora da trilogia: As Matriarcas, com as peças: Mãe de Santo, Mãe Baiana e Mãe Preta. É autora do livro Mito e Espiritualidade: Mulheres Negras (1996), Os Ibejis E O Carnaval (2009), Iansã: rainha dos ventos e das tempestades (2010) e Martinho da Vila: reflexos no espelho (2018).

Foto do palestrante Conceição Evaristo

Conceição Evaristo | Palestrante

Conceição Evaristo , escritora. Ficcionista e ensaísta. Graduada em Letras com ênfase em Literatura pela UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro); Mestre em Literatura Brasileira pela PUC/Rio (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) e Doutora em Literatura Comparada pela UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense). Sua primeira publicação(1990) foi na série Cadernos Negros do grupo Quilombhoje. 7 livros publicados, entre eles o vencedor do Jabuti, Olhos Dágua (2015), 5 deles traduzidos para o inglês, o francês, espanhol, árabe e eslovaco.

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