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11:00 - 12:00

Leadership and Protagonism in the Audiovisual Industry with Vilma Melo, Carvalho Brothers and Luiz Antônio Pilar

StoryVillage Awareness Audiovisual Mídia e Entretenimento Sustentabilidade Empreendedorismo e Liderança Diversidade e Inclusão Storytelling Negócios Impacto Social

Diversity plays an extremely important role in the audiovisual industry and there is a growing consensus that real change will only occur when people from different ethnic, sexual and gender backgrounds take on positions of leadership and influence, especially in creation, direction and production. Once in these positions, it is natural and essential that they share their own stories, as the desire to see them represented authentically is intrinsic to everyone. Internationally, we see inspiring examples of this movement that has been challenging market norms for decades. In Brazil, however, there is still a long way to go. In this panel, we will discuss the importance of intensifying this dialog and creating opportunities for young and experienced professionals. By bringing a more authentic representation of the majority of the Brazilian population, diversity can enrich stories, boost market growth, the circulation of resources and broaden audiences.


Foto do palestrante Eduardo Carvalho

Eduardo Carvalho | Palestrante

Eduardo Carvalho, one of the Carvalho Brothers, is a screenwriter and director from Morro do Salgueiro. With his brother, he made the short films “Nighty night, Charles” (2015), “Chico” (2016) and “Me, mom and Wallace” (2018), shown at the Rotterdam Festival, nominated for the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro and awards such as Best Direction, Best Film by the Popular Jury and Best Film by the Zózimo Bulbul Jury at the Brasília Festival of Brazilian Cinema, Canal Brasil Award for Best Short Film and Margarida de Prata Award. At TV Globo, he developed the Malhação “Eu Só Quero Ser Feliz”, which was in the pre-production phase when the slot was cancelled. In 2024, he started a feature film project.

Foto do palestrante Luiz Antônio Pilar

Luiz Antônio Pilar | Palestrante

The esteemed director of “All The Flowers” (Globoplay), the first Brazilian streaming soap opera, has a career of over 40 years. He directed and wrote “Lima Barreto, on the Third Day” and the documentary “Candeia”. He was awarded at the Angers/France Film Festival and nominated for an Emmy for “Sinhá Moc¸a”. He received TV Globo’s Highlight Award for “Forbidden Desire”. Currently, he’s preparing to shoot “Ponciá Vicêncio”, an adaptation of Conceição Evaristo’s debut novel.

Foto do palestrante Marcos Carvalho

Marcos Carvalho | Palestrante

Marcos Carvalho, one of the Carvalho Brothers, is a screenwriter and director from Morro do Salgueiro. With his brother, he made the short films “Nighty nigh, Charles” (2015), “Chico” (2016) and “Me, mom and Wallace” (2018), shown at the Rotterdam Festival, nominated for the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro and awards such as Best Direction, Best Film by the Popular Jury and Best Film by the Zózimo Bulbul Jury at the Brasília Festival of Brazilian Cinema, Canal Brasil Award for Best Short Film and Margarida de Prata Award. At TV Globo, he developed the Malhação “Eu Só Quero Ser Feliz”, which was in the pre-production phase when the slot was cancelled. In 2024, he started a feature film project.

Foto do palestrante Susan Pereira da Silva

Susan Kalik | Moderadora


SUSAN KALIK is a screenwriter, director, producer. She is a partner at MODUPÉ PRODUTORA (BA), a member of APAN-Associação Dxs Profissionais do Audiovisual Negro, ABRA-Associação Brasileira de Autores Roteiristas and member of the Cabíria de Talentos network. She is the director and screenwriter of the films TIMIDEZ (fic, 2025), CORES E FLORES PARA TITA (doc, 2017); WHAT I LEARNED FROM MY OLDER PEOPLE (doc, 2016), and the short ABOUT OUR HEADS (fic, 2020), and screenwriter for IJÓ DUDU (doc, 2023) and “O Primeiro Beijo” (doc, 2024). In Streaming, she is a writer for the series Anderson Spider Silva on Paramount +, Passinho on Disney + and (IN) Vulneráveis on Universal TV.

Foto do palestrante Vilma Melo

Vilma Melo | Palestrante

Graduated from Uni Rio, actress, teacher and director with over 34 years in the market, she has collected several works in theater, television and cinema. Today starring in the hit series Encantado's on Rede Globo television. With several nominations and awards under her belt, she was the first black actress to win the Shell Theater Award, an event that marked the fight for racial equality within the arts. Throughout her career she has influenced many young actors, so much so that in 2017 the academic directory of the faculty of performing arts in Rio de Janeiro was renamed with a unanimous vote "DA Vilma Melo", symbolizing the maximum point of this representation, especially for black students.

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