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13:45 - 15:15

Game of Possible Futures

Future.U Inovação Educação e Trabalho Futuro Games Comportamento Arte e Cultura Criatividade

Discover tools for Future Studies and build scenarios with a game developed based on the proprietary methodology of Casa Firjan's Trends Lab. Through the dynamics, participants can identify various signals of change and contemplate challenges and opportunities for the next 20 years.


Foto do palestrante Ana Carolina Fernandes

Carol Fernandes | Palestrante

Trend Lab Coordinator at Casa Firjan. PhD and Master in Anthropology from the Fluminense Federal University. Specialist in behavior and consumption research. She has experience in researching trends in institutions such as SENAI and SENAC. And worked in fashion companies and projects in the national and international market.

Foto do palestrante Nathalia Coelho de Oliveira

Nathalia Coelho de Oliveira | Palestrante

Trend Researcher at the Casa Firjan Trends Lab. Has a bachelor's degree in Design with a specialization in Fashion Design on Senai Cetiqt, a postgraduate degree in Marketing on ESPM and a Master's degree in Design on the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Professional experience in the areas of trend research, product development and acting as a consultant and facilitator in workshops and courses.

Foto do palestrante Isabela Rangel Petrosillo

Isabela Petrosillo | Palestrante

Researcher at the Casa Firjan Trends Lab. Master in Anthropology from the Universidade Federal Fluminense. Conducts courses and lectures in the area of ??Futures Studies. Co-creator of the Possible Futures Game..

Foto do palestrante Wallace Soares

Wallace Soares | Palestrante

Wallace Soares - Researcher at the Casa Firjan Trends Lab, Speaker and Writer. Tourismologist, graduated from Universidade Estácio de Sá, with 12 years of experience in the Hotel sector. Specialization course in “Identification and Assessment of Environmental Aspects and Impacts”, by Instituto Ecológico Aqualung. Postgraduate degree in “Diversities and Social Inclusion in Human Rights” from the State University of São Paulo. Founder of the Desbravando as Américas Project, which aims to strengthen Socioeconomic Inclusive Tourism using the concept of shared economy. Author of two books published on the subject with a focus on Social Inclusion.

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