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13:45 - 15:45

Representatives Game: High Emotional Impact Experience


The pedagogy of vulnerability is based on the values and principles of Clown Art, which fundamentally works on the acceptance of mistakes and imperfections. In a world governed by the unsustainable logic of perfection, this is something innovative. The Representatives Game is a dynamic created and refined over 30 years by actor, director, and clown Marcio Libar, who has broken the boundaries of art and now applies the Game in high-level leadership, teams, and professionals of excellence in performance, both in the arts and competitive sports, as well as in the business and corporate world. Subtly, participants are engaged in an atmosphere of complicity, where vulnerability emerges, bringing forth emotions that generate immediate connections.


Foto do palestrante Marcio Lima Barbosa

Marcio Libar | Palestrante

Márcio Libar is a renowned Brazilian actor and clown with 35 years of experience in the circus arts. He has won prestigious international awards, including the Special Prize from Cirque Du Soleil and the Silver Nose at the Monte Carlo Festival. Author of "The Noble Art of the Clown," Libar developed an innovative methodology using clowning for self-awareness and high-performance team development. With over 20,000 people impacted by his workshops, he believes vulnerability is a transformative strength. Currently, through his company Libarte, he offers high-impact emotional classes to promote a high-performance environment through art.

Foto do palestrante GIULIANA San Martini

Giu Libar | Palestrante

As co-founder of Libarte Produções and Coordinator of Planning at CRT, Giu leads projects that aim to connect people in deep and meaningful ways. Utilizing skills in strategic planning and creativity, Giu and her team develop content, workshops, lectures, and immersive experiences that promote authenticity and authentic communication.

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