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14:30 - 15:30

How to Prepare for the Future of the Creative Market

Arts&Crafts Inovação Educação e Trabalho Futuro Tendências Empreendedorismo e Liderança Creator Economy Negócios Criatividade

Creative Industries play a fundamental role in the economy, which makes knowledge and creative work extremely valuable factors of production. On the other hand in a world that is constantly changing, you need to prepare yourself to take advantage of the opportunities and develop the skills and competencies needed to deal with these changes. You need to anticipate trends in the different creative areas, understand and deal with the dynamics of the job market, and point out the prospects for the future in the short and medium term. Meet four young professionals who have created careers using new digital tools.


Foto do palestrante Priscila Nassar


Priscila Nassar is a 3D designer and XR creator who works with innovative fashion technologies, immersive AR and CGI experiences for various brands. Furthermore, Priscila explores digital and 3D fashion on Web3.

Foto do palestrante Jemima Kos

JE Kos | Palestrante

JE Kos dives into a new paradigm, where artificial intelligence is not only an autonomous tool for creating artwork but also a source of inspiration for their ever-evolving artistic language. Their impressive track record includes significant collaborations with essential brands in design, forecasting, and new businesses, consolidating their impact both in the national and international markets. This unique fusion of art and technology defines JE Kos's journey, solidifying their vision at the intersection of artistic expression and contemporary innovations.

Foto do palestrante Henri Moi

Henri Moi | Moderador


Henri Moi is head of BRIFW, a transversal platform that promotes the education of artists and entrepreneurs about new technologies for the areas of fashion, beauty and culture. Graduated in fashion and interior design, he has worked on architecture, scenography, fashion and technology projects.

Foto do palestrante Iago Cruz

Iago Cruz | Palestrante

Graduated in architecture and urbanism from CES/JF, working in the digital market since 2019 in the area of 3D modeling for architecture, fashion and design. In 2020, he created Theory of Nothing, his digital fashion experimentation brand.

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