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11:30 - 12:30

Innovation and Technology in the Capital Market: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence, Smart Contracts, and Blockchain

Future.U Inovação Educação e Trabalho Futuro Criatividade

In this panel, we will explore how emerging technologies are transforming the capital market. We will discuss the innovative use of Artificial Intelligence for data analysis and decision-making, the application of Smart Contracts to automate and ensure the execution of agreements, and how Blockchain is revolutionizing security and transparency in financial transactions. Additionally, we will share practical cases and real-life experiences that we are witnessing in the current market, highlighting the opportunities and challenges that these technologies bring for investors and regulators.


Foto do palestrante José Alexandre FREITAS

José Alexandre Freitas | Palestrante

Graduated in Law with an MBA in Business Law from IBMEC Business School–RJ, José Alexandre Costa de Freitas has worked at Oliveira Trust since 1992, being responsible for structuring operations of Securitization of Receivables and restructuring of liabilities of companies involving debentures; Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRI); Credit Rights Investment Fund (FIDCs); and other structured funds. Since 2014, he has been a member of ANBIMA's Fund Monitoring Committee. He became Chief Executive Officer of OT DTVM in 2013 and, since June 2016, he is also the Officer responsible for Fiduciary Administration. At OT S.A., he holds the position of Chief Executive Officer.

Foto do palestrante Felipe Queiroga

Felipe Queiroga | Moderador

Formado em Tecnologia da Informação pela Universidade Estácio de Sá e com MBA em Tecnologia para Negócios: AI, Data, Science e Big Data pela PUCRS, Felipe tem mais de 20 anos de atuação no mercado de tecnologia. O profissional possui como foco as áreas de Transformação Digital, Big Data e Analytics, Inteligência Artificial, Gerência de equipes de alta performance e Novas tecnologias para o mercado financeiro. Trabalha na Oliveira Trust (OT) desde outubro de 2019. Atualmente, ocupa o cargo de Gerente de Transformação Digital da Fintools, braço de transformação digital da companhia. Ele lidera o time dedicado a trazer inovação e tecnologia para a OT e para o mercado financeiro.

Foto do palestrante Thamila Talarico

Thamilla Talarico | Palestrante

Thamilla is the partner responsible for blockchain and digital assets at EY Brazil. Lawey and Master in Philosophy of Language by PUC-Rio, she is specialist in Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovations and Applications by the MIT, was Specialist in Creative Industries at Casa FIRJAN, and producer of Tropa de Elite and documentary Hélio Oiticica, both at Zazen Produções Audiovisuais.

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