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17:00 - 18:00

Between Conversations and Practices: Racial Inclusion in the Creative Industry

Biodom Diversidade e Inclusão Creator Economy

Inciativas que promovem e exaltam as vocações étnico-raciais do Brasil têm sido catalisadores poderosos de diálogos sobre inclusão e diversidade. Mas, entre conversas e práticas, há longos caminhos. Para que mudanças reais sejam realizadas na nossa sociedade é preciso intencionalidade nas ações. Na indústria criativa, isso não é diferente. Nesse sentido, oportunidades criativas de impactar e engajar podem inspirar os próximos motores de transformação. Ao discutir abordagens do poder público, privado, agências e players podemos expandir as formas como tratamos do assunto e aprender mutuamente. É preciso evitar o retrocesso e abrir mais caminhos individuais e coletivos rumo à equidade que queremos ao nosso redor.


Foto do palestrante Dimas Novais da Silva

Dimas Novais da Silva | Moderador

Screenwriter and researcher from Bahia, Dimas started his career as a Journalist (Facom/UFBA). English and PR exchanges (Dublin, Ireland) and photojournalism internship (Barcelona, Spain). Digital marketing consultancy (Guangzhou, China). Incursion into audiovisual through Globo with an executive and artistic journey. Following some highlights. Evaluation of fiction and non-fiction projects. Formats and trend mapping. Creation of Grupo Globo's black awareness month campaigns in 2021 and 2022. Creation, curation and script for the Festival Negritudes Globo, since 2022. Script for the 2024 Sim À Igualdade Racial Awards/TV Show. Research in the unreleased series Os Outros (2T and 3T) and Mata-Mata.

Foto do palestrante Katiucha Watuze

Katiucha Watuze | Palestrante

Communicologist, Mediator and anti-racist speaker, I use non-violent communication as a tool for building anti-racist bridges. Head of Canal Preto - project of the MPT (Ministry of Labor) in partnership with UN Women and ILO (International Labor Organization), as Director of Pretoria.Org I am part of the ongoing research GT of PET-UFRJ "A Era of Data and Black Representation in Communication", co-founder and Director of Integration of Nuclei of Pretaria.Org, founder of Trabalho de Preto, CMO of Clubinho Preto, and I am a partner of the Social Value and Diversity and Inclusion sectors of Globo Network.

Foto do palestrante Tom Mendes

Tom Mendes | Palestrante

Son of Maria, Carioca and Ceariba. Institutional director of ID_BR. Postgraduate in Project Management from USP, Administrator at PUC-Rio, member of the Abracom Ethics Council, Graduate of the Directors Program at Fundação Dom Cabral. Creator of Oráculo, an event that brings together talks focused on black and indigenous people who bring their trajectories and strategies to inspire other people. He was recently awarded on Bantumen's Powerlist as one of the most influential black personalities of 2023. He is also an Advisory Advisor to the American Consulate in RJ and a Board member of Unilever's Afrolevers Fund. Gen director of the Yes to Racial Equality Award, the world's largest award for D&I.

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