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17:00 - 18:00

Digital Natives or Innocents? The Awakening of Digital Consciousness, A Call to the Next Generations

Future.U Educação e Trabalho Inteligência Artificial Saúde e bem-estar Tecnologia

The awakening of digital consciousness stands as one of the most pressing issues of our time. In a risk analysis, it can be said that information and communication technologies, propelled by the advancement of artificial intelligence, offer both threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses. However, what is observed is an imbalance in this equation concerning physical and mental health and the development of essential skills, especially among children and young people. Discussions on the topic often take antagonistic, combative, or relativistic directions. The call to action is global, resonating within families, schools, public, and private institutions. In this panel, experts in media education, technology democratization, healthcare, and youth themselves are brought together in a thoughtful dialogue on possible pathways to promote positive and pragmatic progress in the face of this scenario.


Foto do palestrante Mariana Ochs

Mariana Ochs | Palestrante

Mariana Ochs is a designer, journalist and ed tech specialist, and coordinator of media education program EducaMídia. She has a Graduate Certificate in Digital Literacy from the University of Rhode Island, and is pursuing graduate studies at the University of São Paulo, where she researches algorithmic literacy. She is a Google Innovator, selected for her work in bridging education and digital culture, and is part of Google Search's Global Information Literacy Experts group. She is co-author of the Media Literacy Education Guide, acted on the Ministry of Education’s task group on countering violence against schools, and collaborated on the federal government’s Brazilian Media Education Strategy.

Foto do palestrante Felipe Fortes

Felipe Fortes | Palestrante

Felipe Fortes is an Adolescent Medicine Specialist, staff at NESA/UERJ - Núcleo de Estudos da Saúde do Adolescente, where he is part of the Primary Care team and coordinates the "Aquarela Program" (health of the Trans, Transvesti and Non-binary adolescent population). Graduated in Dance from Faculdade Angel Vianna. His work focuses on promoting the health of Adolescents and Young People.

Foto do palestrante Andréia Sadi

Andréia Sadi | Moderador

Andréia Sadi, 37 years old, graduated from PUC-SP. Lived in Brasília for 10 years where she specialized in covering politics and economics. Currently, she is the anchor of Estudio I TV show, on GloboNews, an analyst on CBN radio, on duty at the presentation of Jornal Hoje, on TV Globo and columnist for Blog da Sadi, on the G1 website.

Foto do palestrante Renata Tomaz

Renata Tomaz | Palestrante

Renata Tomaz is a journalist and a PhD and Master in Communication and Culture (ECO/UFRJ). She is an assistant professor and coordinator of the undergraduate course at the School of Communication, Media and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI). She is a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Communication, Society and Digital Culture (FGV ECMI) and at the Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life (UFF). She investigates the relationships between media, socialization processes of new generations and digital culture. Her research interests include social media and internet governance.

Foto do palestrante Lune Ferreira Lima

Lune | Palestrante

My name is Lune Ferreira Lima. I'm 18 yeas old, I study pedagogy at UERJ and practice circus art. I'm captivated by the educational and performatic art field. As a product of Gen Z who was born into the world of modern technology and as a future educator, I believe in the importance of a integrated, elevated and accessible debate about the impact of tecnology on the youth of today and tomorrow.

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