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16:30 - 17:15

Data Science Applied to Audiovisual Content

Screening Room Audiovisual Tendências Tecnologia Negócios Consumo Ciência

The open TV network has over 70% of the consumption share on television sets in Brazil in 2024. Unlike what happens in segmented media (cable TV, social networks, and video platforms), the use of research data and the application of various pattern recognition algorithms require a deep understanding of mass culture dynamics. This workshop will provide an overview of the open TV universe and explore how Data Science is used to support decision-making for content and scheduling, from data storytelling and predictive models to the use of computer vision for a better understanding of engagement and audience.


Foto do palestrante Lauro Teixeira

Lauro Teixeira | Palestrante

TV Globo

Director of Market Intelligence for media and communications. With experience in data analysis and design, television schedule architecture, audience strategy, research, broadcast technology, promotions and engagement. Author of the book Digital Television: Interaction and Usability

Foto do palestrante Reinaldo Gomes Morais

Reinaldo Morais | Palestrante

TV Globo

Awarded at ICCCI 2018 (Bristol, UK) with the Best Paper Award for creating a new metaheuristic optimization technique. A professional specialized in Intelligent Decision Support Systems with a focus on pattern recognition and optimization techniques. He has a professional background of projects for retail, media, telecommunications, e-business, and agribusiness companies, currently serving as a leader of data science solutions for TV Globo channel.

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