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15:30 - 16:30

Quantum Computers: They Would Arrive in Brazil in 2023, Where Are They and What Do They Do?

New Frontier Inteligência Artificial Awareness Inovação Futuro Tecnologia Tendências

In a world where generative AI will be predominant, quantum computing becomes decisive. The challenge is to make this technology accessible at scale. Which strategies can we use? And what are the most recent advances in the research and development of these powerful machines?


Foto do palestrante Paulo Silvestre

Paulo Silvestre | Moderador

Paulo Silvestre Consultoria

Consultant and speaker about CX, media and digital transformation, Mr. Silvestre is a professor at Universidade Mackenzie and PUC-SP and a columnist for Estadão. He works in digital journalism since 1995, on Folha's first website, and was a pioneer of UOL and AOL Brasil. He managed digital products at Abril and Estadão, worked as head of digital content at Editora Saraiva, created applications at Microsoft Brazil and was e-commerce manager at Samsung. In December 2016, Mr. Silvestre became LinkedIn Brazil's Top Voices. He is a journalist from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo and MSc and PhD candidate from Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design program at PUC-SP. He holds an MBA from FIA.

Foto do palestrante Wagner Arnaut

Wagenr Arnaut (TUBA) | Palestrante

Wagner Arnaut (TUBA) is IBM Technology Brazil CTO and Distinguished Engineer. Previously he worked as Technical Director for IBM Cloud and Cognitive and was IBM Rational CTO for Latin America. He works very close to several IBM customers and partners as advisor in Cloud Computing and DevOps, demonstrating a deep knowledge in Cloud, Software Engineering, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. MSc in Knowledge Management and IT Management. He is also university teacher at Universidade Católica de Brasília post graduate courses. He is an IBM speaker in several conferences in Brazil and WW.

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