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15:30 - 16:30

How An Independent Artist Uses The Power Of Brands To Benefit His Music Career

Soundbeats 2 Música Empreendedorismo e Liderança Branding Negócios

From what stage in an independent career is it possible to create a plan for brands? How is this dialogue carried out? How to structure a project? What can be understood as “influence” in music? Is every artist an Influencer? Analyzing the current scenario between brands and artists, especially independent ones, Mari Gomiero and Agnes Nunes will talk about the successful relationship they have with big companies and how to create campaigns that actually have good results.


Foto do palestrante Mariana Gomiero

Mariana Gomiero | Moderadora

Mariana atua há 20 anos no mercado publicitário. Nos últimos 12 anos, teve como foco o mercado musical e entretenimento. Atendeu mais de 200 artistas musicais (grandes nomes no Brasil e Portugal) tendo como foco no Brasil campanhas publicitárias e posicionamento estratégico para marcas, colocando mais de 300 campanhas na rua. Já no mercado internacional, construiu um intercâmbio musical entre artistas brasileiros e portugueses, que resultou em músicas atingindo o topo das paradas em Portugal.

Foto do palestrante Agnes Nunes

Agnes Nunes | Moderadora

With a sweet voice and a lot of talent, Agnes gained the attention of Brazil. Playing his keyboard and recording with his cell phone, that's how he started publishing his videos that gained repercussions all over the internet. In a short time, but with an established career, Agnes has already won over people around the world with shows held in: England Angola Ireland Spain Italy Germany, among others.

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