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11:30 - 12:30

How Generation Z Members Express Themselves and What Type of Content They Consume?

Summit Meta Loves Music Mídia e Entretenimento Tecnologia Consumo Comportamento Tendências Criatividade

Generation Z, made up of individuals born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s, is known for its intense use of technology and unique approach to personal expression and content consumption. Raised in a digitized world where the Internet, mobile phones, and social networking are central to their lives, this generation is constantly redefining the cultural landscape. In this panel, we will explore how Gen Z expresses themselves and the types of content they consume, providing valuable insights on how to authentically connect with this audience.


Foto do palestrante Mariele Galindo Marques

Mari Galindo | Keynote

Specialist in Innovation and Generation Z. CEO & Founder of Nice House Br. Graduated in Social Communication from Belas Artes de São Paulo, with a specialization in Business Management from USP and Innovation and Digital Transformation from the University of Berkley, California.

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