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17:00 - 18:00

How can art give value for money? A conversation with the Artist Heberth Sobral and Curator Chris Laclau

Arts&Crafts Awareness Empreendedorismo e Liderança Storytelling Consumo Comportamento Arte e Cultura

Brazilian visual artist known for tackling controversial and social themes in everyday life, and for reinventing the minimalist toy Playmobil, inspired by the simplicity and functionality of the Bauhaus. Sobral develops projects that use a variety of media such as tiles, paintings, drawings, banknotes and dolls to create his own artistic language. Nominated for the Pipa 2023 Award and with works acquired by renowned institutions such as the Afro Museum in São Paulo and the Chácara do Céu Museum in Rio de Janeiro, as well as the Ariana Museum in Geneva, Switzerland, and by private collectors in Brazil and Europe, Sobral began his artistic career after taking a photography course, which led him to work as Vik Muniz's assistant. In this conversation with curator Christiane Laclau, he will talk about his creative motivation, the construction of his identity, art, the market and his unique perspective, through a pure, inventive and symbolic gaze.


Foto do palestrante Christiane Laclau

Christiane Laclau | Entrevistadora


CHRISTIANE LACLAU Curator, manager and art advisor specializing in contemporary art. Graduated in Social Communication, she studied art at EAV Parque Lage. She specializes in Exhibition Planning and Production and has a postgraduate degree in Art Criticism and Curation, from EAV Parque Lage, with research on contemporary art and the market. He founded the contemporary art platform Artmotiv and coordinates art consultancies, cultural trips, guided tours and Artmotiv Now, a contemporary art course. She is the curator of the “ArtWall” project, at Shopping Leblon and the Fairmont Copacabana hotel. Artmotiv is an institutional partner of MAM Rio. Member of the PIPA 2021 and 2023 Nomination Committee

Foto do palestrante Heberth Sobral

Heberth Sobral | Palestrante

Sobral has always been interested in visual arts and became an artist who poses controversial themes and social aspects of everyday life under discussion. He began his artistic career when he took a photography that led him to be invited by Vik Muniz to work as his assistant. Heberth develops projects in which he uses the support of tiles, paintings, drawings, banknotes and dolls to build their own language, always focused on representing memories of everyday life, which addresses topics of behavior, thoughts, and actions performed through a culture. Always doing something present in everyone's lives.

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