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12:15 - 13:00

The Power of Communities in Customer Relations

Game+ Games Tecnologia Branding Negócios

In this panel, Felipe Ribbe, Global Director DTC Communities at AB Inbev, and Artur "Dune" Pompílio, partner at Warlocks and renowned Discord specialist in Brazil, come together to explore the transformative impact of Discord as a tool for engagement and brand community building. With a special focus on the success case of AB Inbev's Zé Delivery community, the speakers will unravel the strategies, challenges, and results achieved by employing Discord to cultivate an engaged and loyal community.


Foto do palestrante Artur Pompílio Coité Araújo

Artur Pompílio | Moderador

Artur Pompílio Coité Araújo, also known as Dune, is a partner and CPO at Warlocks and has over 130,000 subscribers on YouTube through his content creation about technology, programming, and community management on Discord. Dune is considered a pioneer in community and application development within the platform and has developed projects on this social network like Rio Bot, StuConnect, and the Elixir Lab community.

Foto do palestrante Newton Fleury Filho

Newton Fleury Filho | Palestrante

With extensive experience in strategy and development of digital products, Newton Fleury Filho is responsible for consulting community strategy and developing business models based on Discord. Alumni of the Harvard Business School (PLD 20), one of the creators of Cartola FC and former Head of Digital Sports Products at Grupo Globo, Newton was a pioneer in the introduction of Fantasy Games in the country and sports broadcasts of major events such as the World Cup and Online Olympics.

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