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10:00 - 11:00

Brasilidade na Tela Sebrae: Innovation in the Land of Creativity with Regina Casé and Dudu Bertholini

StoryVillage Awareness Inovação Sustentabilidade Empreendedorismo e Liderança Diversidade e Inclusão Tecnologia Negócios Arte e Cultura Moda e Design Impacto Social Criatividade

Be part of a vibrant journey through the creative heart of Brazil, where innovation meets tradition and culture turns into business opportunity. With the presence of Regina Casé, Dudu Bertholini and Sebrae innovation specialist Ênio Pinto, we will explore how Brazil's cultural authenticity drives entrepreneurship and sustainability. Get ready for practical strategies and real-world examples of businesses that thrive in Brazil's rich cultural tapestry.


Foto do palestrante Dudu Bertholini

Dudu Bertholini | Palestrante

Foto do palestrante Ênio Duarte Pinto

Ênio Pinto | Palestrante

Economist, with specializations in Business Finance by FGV and IBMEC and Organizational Leadership by FDC, with participation in several trainings for executives: INSEAD (Fontainebleau-FR), ILO (Turin- ITA) and Stainbeis (Stuttgard - Germany). He was a Entrepreneurial Management teacher at UNIDF and UNB in Brasília. He has worked at SEBRAE for 35 years, where he led the Innovation, Solutions, Entrepreneurial Education and Financial Services business units. He has worked at TV in Canal Empreender. He is currently the manager of the National Sebrae Customer Relationship business unit and is a speaker in the areas of Entrepreneurship, and others topics relating to Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Foto do palestrante Regina Casé

Regina Casé | Palestrante


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