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16:30 - 18:00

Art and Health: Memories Inscribed between Pains and Loves


How to deal with our memories, our pains, and loves? What if we promoted a dialogue, a conversation between the body/dance, music, poetry, and any other form of expression? Come learn more about this process, developed in a workshop at the Institute of Psychiatry of UFRJ, where participants have the chance to manifest their life stories and also their experience of psychic suffering. A conversation circle about art and mental health.


Foto do palestrante Thelma Alvares

Thelma Alvares | Palestrante

Professor of the Music Therapy and Music Education at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Her research, teaching and community projects aim to investigate the interlocution between music and health, searching, throughout the creative process, the deconstruction of stigmas and the construction of new perceptions and opportunities that facilitate the social inclusion of marginalized groups. Author of the books: "Coisa de Mulher? A Maternidade e a Musicoterapia: Jornadas no Mundo Patriarcal" e "Educação Musical na Diversidade: construindo um olhar de reconhecimento humano e equidade social em Educação”.

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