Writer and director
SUSAN KALIK is a screenwriter, director, producer. She is a partner at MODUPÉ PRODUTORA (BA), a member of APAN-Associação Dxs Profissionais do Audiovisual Negro, ABRA-Associação Brasileira de Autores Roteiristas and member of the Cabíria de Talentos network. She is the director and screenwriter of the films TIMIDEZ (fic, 2025), CORES E FLORES PARA TITA (doc, 2017); WHAT I LEARNED FROM MY OLDER PEOPLE (doc, 2016), and the short ABOUT OUR HEADS (fic, 2020), and screenwriter for IJÓ DUDU (doc, 2023) and “O Primeiro Beijo” (doc, 2024). In Streaming, she is a writer for the series Anderson Spider Silva on Paramount +, Passinho on Disney + and (IN) Vulneráveis on Universal TV.