Paula Lagrotta

National Head of Strategy, Artplan




House of Brands

Advertiser, graduated in Communication from UFRJ, with 28 years of experience. Paula has led strategy teams at Fischer, Y&R, and NBS, in charge of brands such as Telefónica, Oi, O Boticário, Coca Cola, and Petrobras. She studied innovation in Brazil and abroad and teaches at the Miami Ad School. She was a partner at Casa7 Research, where she created Casa del Otro, a brand positioning consulting firm, working for clients like Oi Futuro, Diageo, L'ORÉAL, and FARM. At Artplan, she is the National Head of Strategy and leads operations in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília. She loves the sea and is a co-founder of KITECOAT, a company that produces jackets using upcycled kitesurfing kites.