Giane Brocco

CEO & Biomimicry Specialist

Amazu Biomimicry




New Frontier

Giane Brocco is CEO of Amazu Biomimicry - Consultancy and Training in Biomimicry. She has more than 10 years of experience in biomimicry. Certified Biomimicry Specialist by Biomimicry 3.8 (USA), she holds a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering. She studied Leadership at Schumacher College, BioLeadership at Amani, Postgraduate in Corporate Governance at IBGC, among others. Advisor to the FIERGS Leadership Council (CONLIDER). Consultant and Speaker - TEDx Speaker (4x). Among the first 100 people in the world certified as a Biomimeticist. She developed proprietary methods for applying biomimicry in Sprint and for ESG criteria, positioning Amazu as a reference in biomimicry.