Diana Iliescu

President, Instituto Municipal de Cultura de Petrópolis





Graduated in Cinema at Universidade Federal Fluminense and Master's student in Social Memory at UNIRIO. Film director, curator and producer. Received the Outstanding Cultural Expression awards at the 2003 Brazilian University Film Festival for the film "Colombina", the 2008 Angu de Ouro Award for the film "A Lenda de Fundação" and the 2017 Maestro Guerra-Peixe de Cultura de Petrópolis award for the film "Ordenha" . For 15 years, she ran Ginja Filmes & Produções, a producer of films, film shows, plays, exhibitions and urban interventions. She was Counselor representing the Serrana Region in the State Council of Cultural Policies RJ and President of the Municipal Council of Culture of Petrópolis.