Sofá Digital
Sofa Digital is the leading VOD Content aggregator in Latin America. Based on the concept of Smart Distribution, which relies in digital only, data, scale and transparency to build strategies to better monetize its Partners libraries. The company is also able to process all media assets on an automated workflow to delivery Premium content straight to more than 20 platforms in Latin America, including AppleTV, Google Play, Youtube, Netflix and Amazon. Sofa Digital also publishes a film recommendation free service to consumers named Filmelier, available now in Brazil and Mexico.
Looking for
Acquisition/ Licensing, Co-production, Distribution
Project Status
Catalogue, Concept / IP (Intellectual Property), In Development, Finished (no prior exhibition), In Production
Cinema, Other Media, TV, Streaming
Feature Film, Telenovela, Reality Show, Short-format series, Miniseries, Music, Series
Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Horror
Musical, Cop/Criminal, Biography, Distopia, Factual Life Style, Historical Fiction, Gastronomy, Humor, Investigative, Religion and Spirituality
VP Acquisitions and Sales
Sales & Acquisition Manager