Telecine offers a 100% movies service, built upon curation by individuals who love cinema and understand the Brazilian taste. Available via streaming and on cable TV channels, Telecine's catalog is filled with cinematic gems, ranging from recent releases to beloved classics that have left their mark. The brand focuses on widespread distribution and partnerships, enabling subscribers to access the complete movie collection across various screens, whether through well-known apps like Globoplay and Prime Video or on the platforms of pay-TV operators (Claro, Oi, SKY, and Vivo).
Looking for
Acquisition/ Licensing, Co-production
Project Status
Finished (no prior exhibition), In Production
TV, Streaming
Feature Film
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Horror
Biography, Cop/Criminal, Humor, Investigative, Psychological, Religion and Spirituality, Supernatural
Local Productions & Acquisitions
Acquisitions & Local Productions