Over 30 years, TvZero has produced 40 feature films, including My Name is Daniel (IDFA, Oscar-qualified by the Cartagena International Film Festival), Malu (Sundance 2024, Best Film at the Rio Festival), Loveling (Sundance 2018 opening film), Gabriel and the Mountain (awarded at Cannes 2017), and Nise: The Heart of Madness (20 festival awards). On TV, highlights include #MeChamaDeBruna (#CallMeBruna, 4 seasons, FOX) and This Is Me (International Emmy nominee, 2018). In 2025, it will release Kasa Branca (3 awards at the latest Int'Rio Film Festival, including Best Director) and A Wolf Among Swans (awarded at Cine Ceará) and begin filming Bruna Surfistinha 2.
Looking for
Acquisition/ Licensing, Co-production
Project Status
Concept / IP (Intellectual Property), In Development, In Production
Cinema, TV
Feature Film, Miniseries, Series, Variety Shows, Telenovela
Documentary, Science Fiction
Executive Producer
Executive Producer