Mariana Genescá

Mariana Genescá


Mariana is a partner at tva2.doc, a producer of impactful documentaries with social themes.

She produced “Incompatible with life”, chosen best documentary of 2023 by APCA, best film at É Tudo Verdade and qualified for Oscar and the Platino Awards; “I hope for your (re)turn”, winner of more than 25 awards at 120 festivals, including Amnesty International and Peace at the Berlinale in 2019; “O Estopim” (2014), nominated to represent Rio production at the Emmys and “Smokescreen”, present among the “10 documentaries that can change your view of the world”.

She has a degree in Communication (ECO / UFRJ), with an executive postgraduate degree from COPPEAD, a specialization from NYFA and an extension in “Media, violence and human rights”.

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