Janaína Tokitaka

Janaína Tokitaka


Janaina Tokitaka is a writer and screenwriter. She was a finalist for the Jabuti Prize and received the Cátedra UNESCO in Literature Prize.

Janaina was co-headwriter and co-creator of the series “Mila no Multiverso”, an original DisneyPlus teen sci fi, top 5 on the platform during its debut week. She signed the adaptation and was headwriter of “Back to 15”, which in its debut week reached the Top 10 in several countries, being top 4 worldwide in non-English languages.

She fictionalized the life of former gymnast Daiane dos Santos in the biopic “A Menina que Voa” (Maria Farinha Filmes) and is currently dedicated to creating the mini series “Becoming Tarsila” about the life of painter Tarsila do Amaral.

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