Daniel Gonçalves

Daniel Gonçalves


Graduated in journalism from PUC-Rio and post-graduated in Documentary Film from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Daniel Gonçalves has a disability that affects his motor coordination.

He worked at TV Globo and is now a partner at the production company SeuFilme. He directed the short films Tem Bala Aí? (Got any Es? – 2008); Luz Guia (Guide Light – 2012); Como Seria? (How would it be? – 2014) and Pela Estrada Afora (Along the Road – 2015).

My Name is Daniel, his first feature film, was shown in more than 20 festivals, such as IDFA, Festival do Rio, Mostra de São Paulo, Sydney Film Festival, FICCI and Mostra de Tiradentes. Acsexybility, his second feature, won the best direction award at Festival do Rio 2023.

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