Soho Music Group

Rodrigo Lampreia


With over 20 years of musical career, Rodrigo Lampreia is a music and culture entrepreneur, singer, songwriter, musician, and music producer. He is the Founder and CEO of the Soho Music Group (Soho Sessions, Soho Music Records, and Soho Management), a music group that values and promotes the independent scene through events, career management, and an independent record label. Lampreia has released five albums and has performed in Brazil and around the world leading important projects such as Samba de Santa Clara, Benditos, Sambinha, Roda do Lampra, and his solo career. Rodrigo is also a columnist for the POPline.Biz website and a teacher at the Music & Business School.

Looking for:
• Strategic Partnerships
• Collaboration Opportunities
• Talent/New Business Acquisition
• Business Negotiations